Wednesday 26 January 2011

ESO4B                  I THINK ... YOU THINK ...

At last!!! I know you were dying to know your topic sentence. Well, here we go. Have fun!!!!!

Learning English is pointless

Here you have some sentences to help you:

In my opinion____
I think that_____
I feel that______
I believe that______
It seems to me that________
If you ask me_____
I'd say that_______
The point is________
As I see it_______
I'd say that______
The point is______


  1. Well, I think that learning English isn't pointless, because that's something that you will have for all your life.
    In my point of view it's very useful because you can comunicate with people from other countries and travell more if you know how to speak English.

  2. I think that learning English isn't pointless, I have the same opinion that Esther, you can comunicate with people from other countries and if you know English you can travel, you can speak... But if you ask me, in my point of view the English for me is necessary to have a good job because the people want a person with studies and a good level of English. I feel that learning English is essential!

  3. Well, in my opinion I think that learning English, isn’t pointless, I’m agree with the Esther’s opinion, because if you know English you can travel, you can speak with people that don’t speak your language. Learning English is very important, because if you don’t know English, you can’t take some jobs, because in this jobs you have to speak in English.

  4. Marta Sancho said...

    I think learning English is very important in the future have a good job and now all the work you need a basic level of English.
    My opinion as hectares and I think that English is essential to travel and communicate with others.

  5. I'm agree with you Quim. I think that learning English is very important as we are now .. the better thing is to learn more languages. For the jobs, to travel around the world, meet people..
    But not to conform to a basic level because,you can repent in a future and it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities.
    English and more lenguages is essential for the future and now.

  6. I think English is something important for our future. But we must also take into account that other languages may also be important when completing a curriculum.
    But you must always have some level of groin, because wherever you go people want to know English.

  7. I agree with Marta Sncho and Irene, because learning English is very important for your future and can talk with another people. And I think that to talk to people who speak the language need to know to talk to. Is very important.

  8. I agree with most of you, and I think that you can put into your curriculum the languages you learn and English is very important as Irene said. English not only give you the opportunity to progress in a job, but also you can travel abroad as I said before. I think learning English is really important!

  9. If you ask me I think that learning English isn't pointless. I'm agree with all because I think that English can serve to comunicate with people and travell. Also, I'm agree that English is very important for our future because it's necesary to find a job. Actually, almost all the jobs require a minimun level of English. I feel that Lidia says an important thing. You don't have to conform with a basic level because in a company always they select people with more qualifications. In my opinion people don't have to give up learn English. If you want, you can!!!!

  10. Dear Paqui

    I think like Alba and Esther, English is very important to the life because with this lenguage can o to te other countries of the world and understand their people.
    And is important to add to our CV to find a job, because in my opinion es the most famous and the most used lenguge in the world.

    See you soon.

  11. Alba López

    Dear Paqui
    I think that english is important to study because we can go to other parts or sites of the world that there speak english, then you can go to work whit more expirience in your C.V and you have too much options to enter in a job.

  12. Marta C. 4rESO B

    -Hi everybody!
    I think that English , is important because actually, it's de official lenguage in the world.
    If you go travel to China, of you don't know anything about Chinese you can speak english, if you go to Italy and you don't know anything about Italian, you can speak in English because everybody or sometimes all young people can speak English.
    And another reason, to study English is to have opportunities to have a good job.
    Actually, if you need a job, the employers require a minium level of English. And if you don't know anything about English, it's probably to haven't got a good job.

  13. I completely agree with Hector. English is very important when you are looking for work. Also at this time is practically impossible to move through the world without a basic level of English. I feel that learning English we're not wasting time but it is a great help for our future.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hello everybody!
    I support my classmate opinions that explain english is very important to comunicate with someone who speaks another language all over the world! It's very important to learn different langueges and how to speak each one.
    Today it is also important to know English when we are asking for a good job too. There are many reasons to learn English and this is not a waste of time in my opinion!

  16. Loli Requena ( Lídia )30 January 2011 at 14:10

    David I'm agree with you. I think that all the jobs require a minimum level of english is essential learn english and more lenguages... And for travel, for comunicate, to meet people and to ask for help .. It's really really important for your future boys.

  17. I think, agreeng with some people of the class, that we need a basical level of English for our laboral life, English is now the most important lenguage in the world and this is the reason for study English. If we speak with people from other counties, it is easier if we do it in English

  18. I think that english is good for us, because is the lenguage of the future, and a new lenguage is good for learn culture.

  19. I'm agree with all the class because in my opinion learning English isn't pointless because today, if you want a good job, and a good salary, you need a good level of English. But if you ask me I feel that learning English is necessary if you want to travel, or you want to speak with other persons... The English is the language of the moment, if you want do something: have a good job, travel, comunicate... You need English! I believe that English is essential for your life.

  20. Paula Barros García31 January 2011 at 12:13

    I completely agree with Adria and Esther and I think that English is the language of the future ended up talking the language around the world, the more I think also we can make educated about languages and also to appendicocolic to move by knowing stranger communicate.

  21. I'm agree with you Queralt ! English is very very important for our future.


  23. I think that English isn't useless because it is a fundamental tool that we use now and we will use in the future.I also think it is essential to the world labor/workplace because wherever you go the people will ask you if you know to speak English besides of the tittle of the ESO . it is also important because English is the international first language, so you have to do the effort to learn english although it is difficult. Personally I would be in favor of the English because is a useful subject.
