Monday 27 February 2012


Hi again!!!

The kids of 3rd primary have worked in insects and they have made up some interesting insects....

Hola de nou!
Els nens de tercer de primària han treballat sobre els insectes i han fet alguns molt interessants.....

Sunday 26 February 2012


Hi again!
The kids of 4th primary have cooked we don't have any excuses to cook savoury dishes at home. Let's have a look!

Hola de nou!
Els nens de quart de primària han cuinat cosetes...ara no tenim cap excusa per cuinar deliciosos plats a casa.
Anem a fer una ullada.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Hi children from 6th Primary!!   Here you have your new homework. Remember everything you have worked in class !!  Now " you are going to complete the activity". Have fun!!
Click here:

Hola nois i noies de 6è de Primària. Aquí teniu els vostres nous deures. Recordeu tot el que heu  treballat a classe!! Ara "completareu l´activitat"  Que us ho passeu bé!!


Hi, here we are again! In the school we celebrate the "International Day of Peace" and the students from  5th and 6th Primary talked and thought about Peace and enjoyed singing for Peace.
Click on the link below and enjoy the activity with your family. Why don´t you teach them the song? Come on!!!!

Hola, ja tornem a estar aquí! A l´escola celebrem el Dia Internacional de la Pau i els nens de 5è i de 6è de Primària van parlar i reflexionar sobre la Pau i vam gaudir tot cantant per la Pau. Cliqueu a l´enllaç i gaudiu de l´activitat amb la vostra familia. Per què no els hi ensenyeu la cançó? Animeu-vos!! 

Thursday 16 February 2012


Hola de nou Els alumnes de tercer de la ESO s'han preparat, amb l'ajuda d'Ema, unes presentacions orals sobre diversos temes tot utilitzant el power point. Tot seguit trobareu alguns exemples.Hi  again!The students of 3rd of ESO and with Ema's help have prepared some  presentations using the power point about different topics.Have a look at some examples    Planking
View more presentations from mercedaries.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Hi again! We have been practicing numbers, and we love counting! Do you want to join us? Come on, it's so easy....

Hola de nou! Hem estat practicant els números, i ens encanta contar! Voleu acompanyar-nos? Vinga, és ben fàcil...

Sunday 5 February 2012

Comencem un nou trimestre

In kindergarten, we have Emma, our English assistant. Here you can see helping your children to perform certain activities. They've been very excited!.

Al Parvulari, ja tenim a l'Emma, la nostra assistent d'anglès. Aqui la podeu veure ajudant als vostres fills a realitzar algunes activitats. L'han rebut molt entusiasmats!.