Friday 25 November 2011


Who says travelling to London is too expensive? Some students in 2ESO A/B have been on a trip to London without even moving from their classes. Would you like to see what they have organised? Here you are a couple of examples.

Qui diu que viatjar a Londres és massa car? Alguns alumnes de 2n ESO A/B han fet un viatge a Londres sense ni tan sols moure's de les seves classes. Us agradaria veure què a organitzat? Aquí teniu un parell d'exemples.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

                                   HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Els nens i nenes d'Educació Infantil vam celebrar el dia de HALLOWEEN amb algunes activitats com el treball de vocabulari: PUMPKINS, SPIDER, GHOST,WITCH, CAT ... a través de la pissarra digital. I vam fer una manualitat! Genial!

Kindergarten's children celebrated HALLOWEEN DAY with some activities related to the specific vocabulary using the digital board. And we did a hand craft!! Great!

 A P3 la mestra també va fer servir altres recursos com disfressar-se de bruixa per al treball de la part oral i per motivar els alumnes.Vam passar una estona divertida,oi?

     In P3 the teacher also used other resources,  such as getting dressed as a witch in order to work the speaking part and motivate the students. We had  fun, didn't we?

Friday 14 October 2011


We watched a play......Tarzan!
The kids had fun!
and....they learnt how to brush their teeth!

Vam mirar una obra de teatre...Tarzan!
Els nens s'ho van passar molt bé!
i ....van aprendre com rentar-se les dents!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Here we are again!
A new course begins!
The new English assistant is with us now and we have also planned lots of activities!
Let's begin!

Aquí estem de nou!

Un nou curs comença!

Ja tenim nova auxiliar de conversa i tenim pensades un munt d'activitats que anirem penjant al llarg del curs.

Here we are again!!!!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Here we are again! We love learning English with the interactive board.

Aquí tornem a estar! Ens encanta aprendre anglès amb la pissarra digital interactiva.

Wednesday 8 June 2011



Fa unes quantes setmanes els alumnes de cicle mitjà van fer una representació de Mamma mia pels pares. 

S'ho van passar molt bé!
Mireu les fotos.....


Some weeks ago the kids of 3rd and 4th primary did Mamma mia. It was really good!

They had lots of fun!!!!
Have a look at the pictures......

Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Fonix

Ja tenim els resultats del concurs The Fonix!!!!!!

Fa cosa d'un mes vam presentar quatre dels nostres alumnes a un concurs d'anglès a Barcelona. Estava ple de participants, famílies i escoles i per ser la primera vegada els nostres alumnes ho van fer molt bé!

Ànims!! L'any que ve ho farem millor!!

Felicitats a tots!!

We have already got the results of The Fonix contest!!!!!

About one month ago we registered four of our students to an English contest in Barcelona. It was crowded -participants, families and schools- and although it was the first time, our students did really well.

Come on!! Next year we will do even better!!

Congratulations to everybody!!

Friday 1 April 2011

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?????

Els nens de primer de primària hem treballat aquesta cançó:

Ha estat una activitat molt divertida!!!! A mé Michelle ens ha ajudat!!!

The kids of first primary have done this song:

It was a nice activity!!!!! And Michelle helped us!

Look at the pictures! 

Tuesday 22 March 2011



Els alumnes de tercer de la ESO han treballat en aquesta pàgina sobre Saint Patrick's Day. És una webquest on havien de contestar preguntes sobre aquest dia. La següent tasca és: ells han de fer un Webquest sobre qualsevol tema!

 The students of 3rd ESO have worked on this website about Saint Patrick's Day. It's a wbquest! and the next thing will be.....create their own webquest!

Class with the parents

Aquesta és la meva meravellosa classe! Estem treballant i aprenent molt anglès. Us animeu?                                

   This is my beautiful english class! We are working a lot and learning lots of you want to join us?

Monday 21 March 2011


Hem celebrat Saint Patrick's Day a l'escola. Hem aprés més coses sobre Irlanda i les seves tradicions i ens ho hem passat molt bé escoltant música irlandesa.

We have celebrated Saint Patrick's Day at school. We have learned more things about Ireland and its traditions and we have had fun listening to some irish music.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Hi!. Greetings again from the kindergarten

We are working the body through songs, body language and cards. Here are some examples of our work:

Tuesday 15 February 2011


We are an environmental friendly school and  from the English department  we want our students to be aware about taking care of our environment. This is the great result:  the you should and you shouldn´t song.

Som escola verda i des del departament d´Anglès volem que els nostres alumnes prenguin consciència d´això. Aquest és el genial resultat: la cançó del que hauríes i del que no hauríes de fer.

Sunday 13 February 2011


Aquí teniu algunes de les noves cançons que estem treballant amb cicle inicial. Disfruteu-les!

Here you are some of the new songs that kids from first and second grade are learning. Enjoy them!

Friday 11 February 2011


Last Friday 28 Th January it was the International Day of Peace and kids from 6 primary worked on it.

El passat divendres 28 de Gener va ser el Dia Internacional de la Pau i els alumnes de 6è de primària ho vam treballar.


Here we are!! Kids from 5 primary work and play different topics using computers in the computer´s room and laptops in the class.

Aquí estem!! Els alumnes de 5è de primària treballem i juguem diferents temes fent servir els ordinadors a     l´ aula d´ informàtica i els portàtils a la classe d´Anglès. 

Wednesday 9 February 2011

A P5 aprenem anglès jugant amb la pissarra digital interactiva

we learn English playing with the interactive board

Wednesday 26 January 2011

ESO4B                  I THINK ... YOU THINK ...

At last!!! I know you were dying to know your topic sentence. Well, here we go. Have fun!!!!!

Learning English is pointless

Here you have some sentences to help you:

In my opinion____
I think that_____
I feel that______
I believe that______
It seems to me that________
If you ask me_____
I'd say that_______
The point is________
As I see it_______
I'd say that______
The point is______

Sunday 23 January 2011

ESO4A                           I Think...You Think...

Well, here we go. I told you I would give you something interesting to discuss about with your classmates.

Here you have some expressions you can use:

In my opinion / view...

Generally speaking, I think...

I’d just like to say...

As far as I’m concerned...

To be quite honest / frank...

If you ask me...

 Cheating Is Unacceptable!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

LET'S COOK!!!!!!

Els nens us explicaran allò que han fet.
Nosaltres vam cuinar mantega de cacauet,ens ho vam passar d´allò més bé.I estava molt bo!!
We cooked penaut butter. We really had fun! It was delicious!

Sunday 2 January 2011


Ja ha arribat Nadal i els alumnes de l'escola Mare de Déu de la Mercè ho hem estat celebrant. Aquí teniu algunes de les activitats que hem fet. Bon Nadal!!!

It's Christmas time and the students from Mare de Déu de la Mercè have been celebrating it. Here you are some of the activities that we have done. Merry Christmas!!!

Fer un punt de llibre.
Making a bookmark.

Mirar un capítol de les Tres Bessones.
Watching the Baby Triplets.

Cantar Santa Claus is coming to town.
Singing Santa Claus is coming to town.

Mirar la pel.lícula Mr. Magorium i la seva botiga màgica.
Watching the film Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.

Cantar Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
Singing Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.