Thursday, 5 February 2015

Human's body project

At the end of the first term the 6th grade pupils have been doing a project about the human body in science subject, in which they formed groups and created an elaborated job that they finally showed to their classmates.
They did a great presentation with the ipad projected on the screen and later with the app "Make it" they did a funny assesment where they could check their knowledge.

Here they are! some pictures to show their work.

 A finals del primer trimestre els alumnes de 6è de primària dintre de l'assignatura de Science van elaborar un projecte sobre el cos humà on van crear, amb Ipads, unes presentacions que recollien tots els continguts treballats durant el trimestre i una activitat d'avaluació amb l'app "Make it" molt divertida.

Aquí les teniu! Algunes fotografies del seu treball.